Saturday, 25 August 2012

Recipe - Fried Thai eggplant with pork

Thai eggplant recipes

Fried Thai eggplant with pork

baby thai eggplant recipe

Fried Thai eggplant  with minced pork, this recipe is a recipe that my Mom makes you like a kid. It's a recipe for you to eat with my sister because my sister was like eating Thai eggplant like. My mother suggested that we put fried Thai eggplant with basil, Thai eggplant is a vegetable that I do not have a sweet taste of fresh basil to add flavor to NYC to eat. We have the formula to do good.

Ingredient of Fried Thai eggplant

  1. 1 baby Thai eggplant 250 grams.
  2.  100g minced pork.
  3.  Red chillies 2 tablets Lane terrace.
  4.  4 cloves garlic, smashed Thailand.
  5.  Quartered onion, sliced ​​50 g.
  6.  ½ cup basil leaves.
  7.  ¼ teaspoon of salt.
  8.  1 tablespoon black bean paste.
  9.  Soy sauce 1 tbsp.
  10.  Wind, Mrs. sauce 1 tbsp.
  11.  Sugar ¼ tsp.
  12.  ¼ cup broth or water.
  13.  1 ½ tablespoons vegetable oil.
  14.  Top dressing of basil for the first peak.

 How to cook thai eggplant this recipe.

Set a pot of water over high heat until it flooded Thai eggplant with ¼ teaspoon salt to a boil.
While waiting for water to boil. Then thoroughly rinse the eggplant slices diagonally into pieces. Bowl and set aside.
Add enough boiling water to burn rubber as the eggplant is cooked but not very mature. To scoop up the hot water, let it disappear. Stay up to sieve it to drain.
Oil pan set over medium heat until hot. Add garlic and fry it to yellow. Add pork and stir well until pork is cooked add chilli sauce to put her wind black bean soy sauce and sugar, stir to combine. Turn the soup to boil it down to half of the remaining half into the soup. I boil again, reduce the heat down to medium. The sauce begins to thicken. Add onions and Thai eggplant with soy sauce boiled down well enough I paid the basil leaves and stir well cooked and taste like soft light.
Garnish with basil cool top plate. Serve with steamed rice.This is cook-recipe Thai eggplant for you make at home

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