Saturday, 18 August 2012

Properties and benefits of Thai eggplant

benefits of Thai eggplant.

Thai Eggplant is another herb that is good and useful to the body very much, even though many people do not like eggplant. If you know the properties of the Thai eggplant . If you know darn well I will not eat the Thai  eggplant and turn it up, it is possible. He said that the traditional way we look at the properties of the Thai eggplant

The benefit / advantage of the eggplant.

Nutritional value of Thai eggplant.

Thai Eggplant 100 g Energy 39 kcal of protein, 1.6 g fat, 0.5 g carbohydrates, 7.1 grams of calcium 7 mg Phosphorus 10 mg Iron 0.8 mg Times protein was 0.11 mg Niacin 0.6 mg how things look in Win 0.06 milligrams of water, 90.2 g. Vitamin A and 143 RE. Vitamin C 24 mg.

Benefit of Thai eggplant.

- The compression of the heart muscle, smooth skin cancer, reduce blood pressure.
- Relieve symptoms of diabetes. The eggplant has properties similar to insulin, lowering blood sugar. Diabetics with Thai eggplant a vegetable lover not a good day, good night.
- The drive to reduce parasitic infections.
- Helps the digestive system and digestive system working well.
- The benefit of the pancreas. The healthy liver function effectively.

Effects of Thai eggplant.

Thai Eggplant help reduce cholesterol in the blood to kill bacteria and diuretic.
- Indian Ayurvedic medicine to treat coughs, asthma, eggplant roots bronchitis, diuretic and carminative.
- The drive to reduce fever, inflammation and infection of the bowel. Digestive aid. And sexual stimulation. Population in the state of Orissa, India, the Thai eggplant cooked with water diabetes. International research during the year. 2510-2538 showed that the effect of Thai eggplant cut into the smooth muscle, heart, skin cancer and lower blood pressure.
- The eggplant has a long way from Al Lloyd Martin Solar and Sony China Solar's solar Rhapsody alkaloids that are free from sugar molecules. To test the antioxidant activity of these compounds showed that the tumor cells. All the anti-liver and colon cancer cell growth.
- The effect of the cow's alkaloids than molecules without the sugar, roots, and to contain up Alkaloids are low, but the green (like the Thai people eat) contains useful these. were higher than other parts of the plant.
- Rhapsody of the solar material as a precursor in the synthesis of steroid hormones cortisone and sex. The dried, crushed into powder with honey to make cough medicine.
- Research the state of Orissa. India The water extract of Thai eggplant reduced the amount of sugar in the blood of diabetic rats but not San Francisco. That can reduce blood sugar as well as the list of users were not in class. (Glibenclamide) well Thai eggplant benefit !!!


  1. Best and proven health benefits of eggplant is improves our heart health naturally.

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  4. Why not have a fallang edit this for you?

  5. Is this done by Google translate or what. Some sentences just don't make sense. Please edit. Like to really know more about Thai eggplants. Thanks.

  6. Angive aid in controlling diabetes
